
This is the place to write your suggestions what this blog or the Open Science Project page needs in your opinion. It would also be nice if you could give some idea how you would make your idea come true.


  1. First my own list of things I would like to see:
    - A forum for discussions like the one in "Test Science Case" above and also for questions that people have.
    - List of objects people would like to be observed
    - List of things theoreticians and modellers should do
    - Some sort searchable database of what observations have been done on which star
    - Information on people and their areas of expertise would help in finding the right person to help you solve your problem
    - The Wiki of all things white dwarf

    Here are some things that people talked to me about during the meeting:
    - paper reviewing/rating system comparable to Amazon's user reviews.

  2. Hey,

    maybe one of method to changing information's is facebook. Now I'm master student, I finish study in July. I look for nice place on PhD study but it's difficult find something interesting because I don't have contact with people. So facebook could help not only me.


  3. Facebook has a lot of groups for different fields of astronomy. There is at least one for white dwarf researchers (White Dwarf Stars Researchers) and one for Cataclysmic Variables. The first is not very active, but the second one has new posts every week. Facebook is very popular these days, but there are still many people who don't use it and don't even want to do so. Unfortunately Facebook's structure and functionality is not suitable for extended discussions. It does work for quick questions and short discussions that you don't need to find afterwards, however.

    And as to finding PhD positions this is a great place:
    It has more Postdoc positions, though.
